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Create Engaging Pinterest Content With These 3 Tips

Updated: Jun 25

Each social media platform is unique, and what performs well on one may not work for another. Pinterest is no different, which is why we wanted to share some content tips to help you grow your engagement on this platform.

First and foremost, it’s important to remember that Pinterest is not your typical social media platform, it is a search engine. Having keyword-rich text to accompany your pins is critical to success on Pinterest!

Secondly, Pinterest’s algorithm prioritizes fresh and value-add content. Fresh content is content that links to any URL that has not been posted on the platform before, or that is “new” to the world. Value-added content is things like blog posts, tutorials, and guides. They are designed to help the user accomplish or learn something. Pinterest prioritizes these pins to give its users the best experience possible.

With these two best practices in mind, what kind of content should you post on Pinterest to grow your following and your referral traffic? Read on for three ways to improve your Pinterest content below.

1. Share Valuable Content

Since Pinterest prioritizes valuable content to help its audience learn and grow, it’s no secret that your Pinterest strategy should prioritize it as well. Even if you are a product-based business, you want to be pinning value-add content more often than you pin product photos.

The best way to share value-add content on Pinterest is by blogging! Unless you are releasing new products or services on a weekly basis, blogs are the best way to have fresh and new content to share on the platform consistently.

Each blog = multiple pins, which means you can use one piece of content to start filling out your Pinterest calendar. We recommend posting 5 unique pins for each blog post. To be unique, they each need a different pin image. This is a great way to test out different designs to see what performs the best with your audience.

Hot tip: don’t post all 5 pins on the same day. Spread them out throughout the week, with only one pin per day going to a specific URL. This goes for all your Pinterest content and shows the algorithm that you are pinning a variety of content each day.

2. Create Video Pins

In a sea of static images, video pins do one thing super well… they stand out! Video is becoming more and more popular on Pinterest, but static images are still the dominant content shared.

That’s why it's the perfect time to hop on the video bandwagon and start sharing this more dynamic content on your page. There are two main ways you can incorporate video into your Pinterest strategy.

The first is by posting video pins that tell a story. Options are endless here, including before and afters, time-lapses that show a process, or video of a product in action.

The second is to transform a static image into a video by adding animations. You can easily add animations in Canva (our favorite design platform) to change how elements appear in your video. This allows you to create video pins without having to film video content - so they are accessible to you right now! See below for an example animated pin we created for one of our clients.

A few best practices to keep in mind are that video pins should be vertical, like all other Pinterest content. The 500 character caption and pin title is still very important for video content. And although Pinterest allows video pins up to 15 minutes in length, the ideal length is generally 15 seconds to 1 minute.

3. Repurpose & Share Others Content

If you follow the typical Pinterest best practices, you are probably posting about 5 pins per day or 35 pins per week. This can feel like a lottt of content to create. The good news is that there are a ton of ways to fill up that schedule quickly each week by repurposing content you are creating for other marketing channels.

Take the content you create for Instagram and Facebook, blogs, emails, and even your website and utilize it for Pinterest with a visually captivating image and keyword rich caption. By repurposing existing content, you are getting the most bang for your buck and using your time efficiently.

If you use Tailwind, you can even pin directly from Instagram, which is a huge time saver. You’ll want to make sure to edit your captions so that they make sense within the context of Pinterest. You can either leave the link that goes to your Instagram, which can be a great way to grow your following there, or change it to something relevant o your website.

The other way to fill your calendar is by sharing other people’s content. Another great feature of Tailwind is their Communities, which are small groups on specific topics. Tribe members share content to a central location and then re-share each other’s content. This is a great way to get more eyes on your content and find pins to share that will be relevant to your audience. Win-win!


We hope these tips helped you feel inspired to create pin-worthy content that elevates your brand. Happy pinning!

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Nicole Powell

Meet Nicole Powell, an expert whose journey spans from Manila to the Midwest, helping businesses transform into profitable and brag-worthy brands with research, creativity and neuroscience. With a determination to uplift fellow entrepreneurs, Nicole draws from her experience and mentorships with industry leaders for the past 15+ years. Her mission is clear: pay it forward, sharing the knowledge and skills she's acquired to empower others.

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